We support learners around the world who are seeking to understand the tools, methods and applications of complex systems science through our:
Complexity Explorer makes SFI complex systems science accessible to a broad and diverse audience.
Former Vice President of Education at the Santa Fe Institute (SFI), Ginger Richardson, and Portland State University Professor, Melanie Mitchell began thinking about creating an online course in 2010. Their goal was to create an online learning platform and complexity-themed course that would serve participants wanting a deeper understanding of complex systems.
In 2011, the Complexity Explorer project was launched with the support from the John Templeton Foundation. ComplexityExplorer.org was developed the following year, and in early 2013, the first course, Introduction to Complexity with Melanie Mitchell, was offered. Over 7,000 students enrolled in Intro to Complexity that first year, and the course continues to see thousands of new participants each year.
The Santa Fe Institute is a private, not-for-profit, independent research and education center, founded in 1984. SFI scientists aim to understand the underlying, shared patterns in complex physical, chemical, biological, social, cultural, and technological systems.
SFI's scientific and educational programs are supported by philanthropic gifts and federal and private grants. Find more information about SFI's other educational offerings here.
Project Leaders
Suzanne Kern (Director, Education, Santa Fe Institute)
Leah Brennan-Magidson (Program Manager, Online Education, Santa Fe Institute)
Course Instructors
Melanie Mitchell, Portland State University and Santa Fe Institute
David Feldman, College of the Atlantic
Liz Bradley, University of Colorado, Boulder & Santa Fe Institute
Bill Rand, North Carolina State University
Chris Kempes, Santa Fe Institute
Sarah Maurer, Central Connecticut State University
Cris Moore, Santa Fe Institute
David B. Kinney, Princeton University & Santa Fe Institute
Simon DeDeo, Carnegie Mellon University & Santa Fe Institute
Tutorial Instructors
David Feldman, College of the Atlantic
Liz Bradley, University of Colorado, Boulder & Santa Fe Institute
Simon DeDeo, Carnegie Mellon University & Santa Fe Institute
Sid Redner, Santa Fe Institute
Anthony D. Rhodes, Portland State University
Seth Lloyd, Massachussets Institute of Technology
Justin Grana, Santa Fe Institute
Artemy Kolchinsky, Santa Fe Institute
Brendan Tracey, Santa Fe Institute
Bill Rand, North Carolina State University
Helena Miton, Santa Fe Institute
Marco Buongiorno Nardelli, University of North Texas & Santa Fe Institute
Website Design and Development:
Bot & Rose Design, Portland, OR
Complexity Explorer was funded by the John Templeton Foundation until 2017. New content, web development, and hosting are funded by user contributions and the Santa Fe Institute.