Complexity Explorer Santa Few Institute

Nonlinear Dynamics: Mathematical and Computational Approaches (Fall 2014)

Lead instructor: Liz Bradley

This course is no longer in session.

Required readings and viewings:

Unit 1:

Unit 2:

Units 3-5:

Unit 7-9:

Unit 10:

Optional (but useful) things to check out:

Unit 2:

Unit 5-6:

Unit 7:

  • Papers about UPOs and attractor structure: P. Cvitanovic, "Invariant measurement of strange sets in terms of circles," Phys Rev Lett 61:2729 (1988) — and a couple of more-technical ones in Nonlinearity in 1990 (vol 3 pp 325-386).
  • Papers about finding UPOs: G. Gunaratne et al., ""Chaos beyond Onset: A Comparison of Theory and Experiment," Phys Rev Lett 63:1-4 (1989); P. So et al., "Extracting unstable periodic orbits from chaotic time-series data," Phys Rev E 55:5398 (1997)

Units 7-9:

  • The TISEAN time-series analysis toolkit includes lots of good stuff — including Lyapunov exponent and correlation dimension calculators. The TISEAN site has binaries for UNIX & windows, but you can get Mac binaries here. You may need this fortran library to get it to work. Here are some examples of how to run all of this from MATLAB.  If you have brew on your machine, you can simply type 'brew install tisean' (without the quotes, of course).  Be aware that TISEAN is not a required element of this course and that it can sometimes be hard to install.

Unit 10:

Other useful and/or interesting links:

Lecture Slides (zipfiles of pdfs):  please be aware that these are not course notes; they are simply the slides (if any) that were used in the lectures. 

There is no textbook for this course, nor any compiled course notes.  This course draws upon material from different textbooks, journal papers, conference talks that were never published, and our own experience.  The lecture videos are your primary resource for that material.

Lecture and Solution Videos (zipfiles of mp4s):