Complexity Explorer Santa Few Institute

Foundations & Applications of Humanities Analytics (fall 2021)

Lead instructor: David Kinney & Simon DeDeo

This course is no longer in session.

1.1 Step-by-step course guide » Now what?

Welcome to Foundations & Applications of Humanities Analytics!

There are a few things you are encouraged to do before you start the course.

  1. Review all of the content in this Invitation to the course unit. This will introduce the course instructional team, orient you to the goals of the course, and cover logistic issues that will enhance your experience during the course, such as...
  2. Join the FAHA Discord server. Find out how in a few more steps. This will be a platform through which to discuss the themes addressed in the lectures and assignments and get to know other participants.
  3. Review the FAQ, accessible from the tabs above. Even if you do not need all of this information now, you will probably need some of it eventually.
  4. Download the course schedule so you can keep track of when new content will be released and when assignments and peer-reviews are due.
  5. Prepare for day one, which is Wednesday, September 1. On that day, as for every Wednesday thereafter, we will release a new course unit. You will also recieve an email from Zackary (the TA) via the account. Please make sure this address does not end up in your spam, etc.

Enjoy the course!