Complexity Explorer Santa Few Institute

Introduction to Dynamical Systems and Chaos (2022)

Lead instructor: David Feldman

This course is no longer in session.

9.6 Links to Programs » Links to Programs

Click here for a link to a program that will let you experiment with different reaction-diffusion systems.  This is part of the excellent Experimentarium Digitale project.  The program was written by Marc Monticelli.

Notes on using this program:

There are six choices listed under the "Configuration" menu.   Each choice gives a different f(u,v) and g(u,v) in the reaction-diffusion equations.  The English name for each option is given in parentheses. 

  1. guépard (Cheetah)
  2. Colonie (Colony)
  3. Fin (End)
  4. Empreinte (Footprint)
  5. Labyrinthe (Labyrinth)
  6. Grêle (Hail)

I believe that checking the "Painting" box just changes how the image is displayed.  If it is checked, it will show the small values of u in red and large values in purple, and intermediate u values are given other colors.  If it is not checked, all values of u are shown in red of varyling levels of intensity.  "Pure" red is the maximum value for u and black is the minimum u value.