Complexity Explorer Santa Few Institute

CSSS 2022

Lead instructor: Dave Feldman

This course is no longer in session.
About the Course:

Complex Systems Summer School (CSSS) offers an intensive four-week introduction to complex behavior in mathematical, physical, living, and social systems. CSSS brings together graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and professionals to transcend disciplinary boundaries, take intellectual risks, and ask big questions about complex systems. The residential program comprises a series of lectures and workshops devoted to theory and tools, applications-focused seminars, and discussions with faculty and fellow participants. CSSS participants put what they learn from these didactic sessions into practice through group research projects, conducted throughout the program and often extending into manuscripts and longer-term collaborations. CSSS provides an unparalleled opportunity for early-career researchers to expand their professional networks, produce a novel research product, and gain valuable experience working in transdisciplinary teams.


About the Instructor(s):

Dave Feldman | CSSS Director
Dave Feldman is a professor of physics and mathematics at the College of the Atlantic in Bar Harbor, Maine. He has been involved with CSSS since 2004, serving as co-director of CSSS Beijing from 2006 to 2008, and directing CSSS in Santa Fe since 2017. He has published an introductory textbook on chaos and fractals, as well as a book on dynamical systems, that is part of the Primers in Complex Systems series. Feldman is a major contributor to SFI's ComplexityExplorer, where you can take his courses on Dynamical Systems & Chaos and Fractals & Scaling.

Miguel Fuentes | CSSS Associate Director
Miguel Fuentes looks at complex systems from a fundamental and conceptual point of view, focusing on emergent behavior. His research relies on fields such as statistical mechanics, nonlinear dynamics, and information theory, in investigating hard physical models, social systems, the spread of information, ecology, and public policies. Miguel also studies epistemology, specifically the evolution of scientific theories and the dynamics of innovations. He holds PhDs in Physics from Instituto Balseiro, Argentina, and in Philosophy of Science from the National University of La Plata, Argentina.

Louisa Di Felice | CSSS Project Coordinator
Louisa is a post-doc researcher at the IT University of Copenhagen, in the Robotics, Evolution and Art Lab. She is broadly interested in how different scales of complex systems affect one another, and recently she has been exploring this through case studies in collective decision-making and environmental justice. Louisa attended CSSS in 2018 and returned in 2019 as a project coordinator.


John Malloy | CSSS Project Coordinator
John Malloy is a PhD candidate at Arizona State University in the School of Earth and Space Exploration where he studies astrobiology with SFI External Professor Sara Walker. He received his B.S. in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology from University of Maryland, Baltimore County, as well as a M.F.A in Teaching from Notre Dame of Maryland University. John's work seeks to answer questions about the origin and evolution of life on earth, but also searches for evolutionary patterns that could potentially apply on other planets.

Course Team:

Carla Shedivy | SFI Education Program Manager






Arno Ferguson | SFI Education Program Coordinator

How to use Complexity Explorer
Enrolled students:


Course dates:

01 May 2022 6am UTC to
31 Aug 2022 11pm UTC


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  1. Introduction
  2. Logistics
  3. Schedule
  4. Lecture Recordings
  5. People
  6. Supplementary Materials
  7. Contact Information