Complexity Explorer Santa Few Institute

Origins of Life (Summer 2022)

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2.7 Macromolecules » Unit 2.7 Quiz

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Question 1

Cells have a representative set of 20 amino acids, each with a different chemical structure imparted by their side chain.  Why is it important that there are many different amino acids?

Question 2

Proteins have evolved to recognize their target (i.e. a small molecule), fitting together like a lock and key.  This specific matching requires several amino acids.  What would have had to occur on early Earth to generate functional proteins?

Question 3

Sugars serve many functions for life, such as helping to form the backbone of DNA and RNA.  Which of the following is another role of sugars in biological systems?

Question 4

Many different components of life can be produced in a prebiotic setting.  Which of the following are scientists NOT able to produce through prebiotic synthesis?