Complexity Explorer Santa Few Institute

Introduction to Agent-Based Modeling (Summer 2023)

Lead instructor: Anamaria Berea

This course is no longer in session.

1.2 Course Overview » Assignments (5:54) Download Video Subtitles & Transcripts


On the slides it says there is one final project with checkpoints - to be clear, there is one milestone assignment at the end of Unit 4 (peer reviewed) and the final project (also peer reviewed) at the end of Unit 6. Submitting them both on time is necessary to complete the course and receive a certificate.

More information about quizzes and tests:

Tests have an end of course deadline and are required for completion, quizzes are not graded and are not required to complete by the end of the course. 

Important information about peer review segments:

An email linking users back to the segment to review submissions will be sent to all students who submitted work the morning following the submission deadline.

Each submission will be scored by 3 reviewers and segment grades will be an average of these 3 scores.

Participant poll:

The video aslo mentions a participant poll, but it has since been deleted. 


Refer to the course schedule on the FAQ page for submission deadlines.