Complexity Explorer Santa Few Institute

CSSS 2023

Lead instructor: Dave Feldman

This course is no longer in session.

1.1 Getting Started » Join Discord

Discord is a group communications platform (server) that enables both asynchronous text and live voice channel conversations. If you are familiar with Slack, it is quite similar. All members can create channels (using the "+" option) to organize topical conversations, as well as create threads. Please do not create private channels.

To join CSSS Discord, please use this link:

It is our hope that everyone will use this platform for communication. Please let us know if you have any hesitation.

There is a browser version, a desktop version, and a mobile app. They all function well.

Why Discord? Discord is a long-time favorite of the gamer community owing, in part, to the fact that it is not (yet) owned by one of the mega tech companies – unlike, for example, Slack – and that it offers some very useful features (and Bots) supported by a very active user-developer community. During COVID, Discord was quickly adopted by many in the higher-education space in the US, so it is now a common platform at colleges and universities.

No truly public platform that vows to uphold freedom of speech is without the risk of supporting extremist or dangerous ideologies. While Discord may in short time (and like others before) prove to be prohibitively flawed, we nonetheless feel it is the most transparent (and free) offering at this time to provide the features we were looking for.

If you have concerns, please let us know.