Complexity Explorer Santa Few Institute

UCR 2023

Lead instructor: Chris Kempes & Melanie Mitchell

This course is no longer in session.

7.2 Project Ideas » Regulatory Function: From Cells to Societies • Chris Kempes, Sid Redner, James Holehouse, José Ignacio Arroyo, Geoffrey West

Regulatory Function: From Cells to Societies

mentor(s): Chris Kempes, Sid Redner, James Holehouse, José Ignacio Arroyo, Geoffrey West

How much regulation does a system need to function? Do most natural and human systems have an optimal amount of regulation? How does the size and complexity of a system adjust how much regulation is needed? These are the broad questions that we are asking as part of a large collaboration. We are building theories and simulations, analyzing data, and debating the concepts of regulation in systems ranging from bacteria to cities. Projects could focus on any one system and on theory or data analysis.