Unit 4: Creating Agent-Based Models
I thought these would start as soon as teh submission deadline was passed so that students could focus on coding their project.
I never received a link, but if you go to the "My Progress" tab, and click on "Model Design Assignment" you should be brought to the peer review screen.
I am still not seeing any method to do the peer review.@ronald. Scrub that. I see the peer reviews now.
I moved the file to avoid an error referencing '\U' (from C:\Users... Windows path to the *.csv file)
data = read.csv("C:\RTemp\Info Diffusion social-influence-experiment-table.csv", skip = 6, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Error: '\R' is an unrecognized escape in character string (:1:21)data = read.csv("C:/DATA/FORMATIONS/MOOC/COMPLEXITY.ORG/C-INTRO. TO AGENT BASED MODELING/W4/MdelingDiffusion/DiffusionModel experiment-table.csv", skip = 6, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
is ok on RStudio For Windows!
Thanks! It was my backslashes that caused my problem.
data = read.csv("C:/DATA/FORMATIONS/MOOC/COMPLEXITY.ORG/C-INTRO. TO AGENT BASED MODELING/W4/MdelingDiffusion/DiffusionModel experiment-table.csv", skip = 6, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
is ok on RStudio For Windows!
I was thinking to model a process over a year with a resolution of 4hours, so for the whole year I would need 2190 ticks per year... I was wondering how to extend this to the whole human lifespan (say... 80 years which would be 175.200 ticks
I was wondering if this is possile, to run a model for 175.200 ticks and even using behaviorspace for it. Hope someone can help me, I looked for documentation about this topic but have found nothing yet
When I aggregate I keep recieving this message:
In mean.default(X[[i]], ...) :
argument is not numeric or logical: returning NA
Hi All,
The Unit 4 assignment mention three types of environments, namely spatial, network and feature space (there are probably other as well). Now, I know how to describe my environment, but I have no idea how to classify it regarding those example types.
Can anyone please shed some light as to what is meant exactly with the terms spatial and feature space environment?
And what others types of environment classifications are there?Thanks!
No problem - this was answered in Unit 5.
Please somebody help me, I'm Having problems, I'm stack!
Please somebody help me, I'm Having problems, I'm satck!
The instructionas for this assignment are to click on a "Browse" button, but there is no "Browse" button. If one clicks on "Submit for Peer Review", one is directed to send a mail to admin.
One can upload Peer Review files, but nothing appears under submissions. And this does not seem to be the correct thing to do at this stage.
I was able to upload the file using Chrome Version 126.0.6478.127 on Mac OS X 10.15.7. The Upload does not work on Safari Version 15.6.1on the same OS,
Hi Bruce, thanks for letting us know, we'll look into that. I'm glad you managed to submit your work using another browser.
The question is which is NOT a design choice of ABMs.
Options 1A, B, C are each a choice according to the course notes and slides.
Option D is "All A, B, C are all design choices. [ Therefore can not be a NOT A DESIGN CHOICE.]If the question is worded correctly, D is ruled out unless it is reworded as "None of the above is a design choice", and one of A, B, C is correct.
If the question is reworded as a "Which is a design choice?", then all A, B, C, D can be correct answers.Therefore, is the question worded correctly?
Please do not post questions / comments about exams on the forum, but email them to abm@complexityexplorer.org
The video shows that the script is:
nw:generate-preferential-attachment turtles links num-agentsHowever, this generates an error
The arguments require a MIN-DEGREE number e.g from the definition page:
nw:generate-preferential-attachment turtles links 100 1Without that argument, netLogo fails to compile.
Yes. There is a pop up in the video that states this.
Now that I am looking for the popup, it is so obvious. I guess just trying to follow the coding I was just blind to the popup.
I cannot find the web page for the extensions that is used in the video. With the low resolution, the video is unreadable and it jumps to the page with no information on how to reach it..
Found it. NetLogo User Manual, -> Extensions->network
The quality of the video is atrocious, whether viewed in the browser or downloaded for a viewer. The file size very small suggesting that the compression for mp4 was set too high. It needs replacing
Does anyone else have the same problem?
It seems to be fixed now, it was a problem with my browser.
- Introduce Yourself
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- Study Groups and Meetups
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- General Discussion
- Course Feedback
- Course Materials to Share
- Unit 1: What is Agent-Based Modeling and Why Should You Use It?
- Unit 2: Building a Simple Model
- Unit 3: Extending Models
- Unit 4: Creating Agent-Based Models
- Unit 5: The Components of an Agent-Based Model
- Unit 6: Analyzing Agent-Based Models
- Unit 7: Verification, Validation, and Replication
- Unit 8: History of ABM and Classic Models
- Unit 9: Advanced ABM