- Category
- Name
Summer School On Statistical Physics Of Complex And Small Systems
- Image
- Description
- Statistical Physics, which was born as an attempt to explain thermodynamic properties of systems from its atomic and molecular components, has evolved into a solid body of knowledge that allows for the understanding of macroscopic collective phenomena. One of the largest successes of Statistical Physics has been the development of paradigms, stylized simplified models that capture the essential ingredients, for a wide variety of phenomena. These paradigms have allowed not only the understanding of the systems by themselves but also that many apparently different behaviors are just different manifestations of the same collective phenomena. The tools developed by the Statistical Physics together with the Theory of Dynamical Systems are of key importance in the understanding of Complex Systems which are characterized by the emergent and collective phenomena of many interacting units. In particular the understanding of small systems, in which fluctuations are typically large, benefits from Statistical Physics body of knowledge. In addition, small systems fuel the development of new techniques and provide the ground to test predictions at a very deep level.
While the traditional basic body of knowledge of Statistical Physics is well described in textbooks and typically at an undergraduate or master level, the applications to Complex and Small Systems are well beyond the scope of those textbooks. The Summer School on Statistical Physics of Complex and Small Systems series, open to master and PhD students and young postdocs world-wide, aims at bridging this gap.
- Institution
- Topical Group on Statistical and Non Linear Physics
- Country
- Author
- Gabby Beans
- Topics
- Statistical Physics, Complex Systems, Dynamical Systems, Physics
- http://www.crm.cat/en/Activities/Curs_2014-2015/Pages/SSSPCSS.aspx