Complexity Explorer Santa Few Institute


Course Syllabus

Modeling and Simulation of Complex Systems - Johns Hopkins

This course focuses on the application of modeling and simulation principles to complex systems. A complex system is a large-scale nonlinear system consisting of interconnected or interwoven parts (such as a biological cell, the economy, or an ecological system). The course begins with an overview of complex systems, followed by modeling and simulation techniques based on nonlinear differential equations, networks, stochastic models, cellular automata, and swarm-like systems. Existing software systems will be used to illustrate systems and provide practical experience. During the semester, each student will complete a modeling project of a complex system. While this course is intended for computer science or engineering students interested in modeling any complex system, it may also be taken by Bioinformatics students interested in modeling complex biological systems. Students interested in bioinformatics will study a parallel track exposing them to existing whole cell modeling tools such as E-Cell, COPASI, and BioSpice.

Johns Hopkins University
Mike Weisman
Complex Systems, Bioinformatics, Biology, Modeling