Complexity Explorer Santa Few Institute


Center or Institute

Complex Systems Institute @ UNC Charlotte

The Complex Systems Institute (CSI) brings together academia, industry, and federal agencies to advance computing simulation, analysis, and modeling. Tools developed by CSI members help analysts model infrastructure and social networks, visualize and understand how individual networks behave, and understand multiple-network interdependency behavior, including second- and third-order effects and unintended consequences. There are three centers within the Institute. The Complexity Laboratory focuses on dynamic non-linear systems and the development of tools and techniques for studying complexity in natural, physical, and social domains. The Defense Computing Center is responsible for defense- and intelligence-related research, emphasizing system-of-systems modeling and simulation for analysis of complex problems and phenomena. The Center for Advanced Research in the Humanities explores the interdisciplinary nature of complex systems, as well as the methods and language used to describe and understand these systems.

University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Complex Systems, Networks, Social Systems, Social Science, Nonlinear Dynamics