- Complexity Explorer /
- 15 Jun 2018
- Algorithmic Complexity Genetic Algorithms Biology Agent-Based Modeling
Greetings from CE HQ, Explorers!
We're now officially in our busy season, with two fabulous courses opening up, our current Challenge Course coming to a close, and a lot going on behind the scenes. We're editing away at a new suite of Complexicon videos, in production for six new courses to debut in the ASU-SFI Master's Program (and later appear on ComplexityExplorer.org!), and getting our sea legs under us for a total overhaul of ComplexityExplorer.org. Our friends in the Education Department are also hosting SFI's Undergraduate Research Fellows, Complex Systems Summer School and the Graduate Workshop in Computational Social Science. Our office is buzzing!
We're busy and excited as ever, and we can't wait to share with you our current goings-on.
Algorithmic Information Dynamics has officially opened!
Algorithmic Information Dynamics, our wonderful new course in collaboration with the Algorithmic Information Lab at Karolinska
University and the Wolfram Science Foundation. Covering new methods for assessing causation in complex systems, this course is a must for those on the more advanced side of Complexity Explorer’s curriculum.
After five days of being open we’ve already got great feedback from our students. If you haven’t checked it out, watch the introductory video here, and if you’re enrolled but haven’t yet paid, click here to purchase access to the course (and the Wolfram Language license!)
Enroll now for Introduction to Agent-Based Modeling!
Last year students loved the personalized help they received from Professor Rand. This year Chathika Gunaratne will be working with Professor Rand to run the course. He has some super cool publications that showcase innovative applications of Agent-Based Modeling (ABM) and NetLogo! 2017 students also enjoyed the ground up approach the course takes, in their words; "Building an ABM from 0"! Here at Complexity Explorer we have really enjoyed finding articles about applications of ABM. Some of the cool things we found involve biological tissue patterning, understanding war and conflict studies, mixing scientific disciplines, the dynamics of connected and autonomous vehicles, and integrating sustainable energy sources into the power grid. To explore all this enroll today, the course starts on on July 9th! The course tuition is $50, which goes to support this course and new courses into the future. We also have scholarships available!
Introduction to Complexity has reached its 10th week this week, but WAIT THERE IS MORE!
As we have mentioned before, Introduction to Compexity will be open all year long, and likely continue further into the FUTURE! Instructor Santiago Guisasola has been doing a fantastic job and is loving the experience of teaching all of the amazing students. Thanks Santiago! As we move into the uncharted waters of a continuously open course, please let us know how it is going for you at admin@complexityexplorer.org! If you are finishing up week 10, please make sure to fill out the course evaluation. And if you want to jump on board, enroll any time, for free!
Tutorial ratings are now accurate!
CLASS-CENTRAL.COM, the website that hosts our course and tutorial reviews, worked with us this month to implement an indvidual rating system for our tutorials, which were previously aggregated. This is great as it provides both interested students and the tutorial instructors with accurate feedback for the course! If you have taken any of our tutorials and would like to give your feedback, please take a minute to go rate them on CLASS CENTRAL!
This month in Subtitles
April marks perhaps our lowest month in subtitling participation since we began the program! A slim 21 minutes’ worth of subtitles were added to videos in our upcoming Introduction To Agent-Based modeling, furnished by the wonderful Diego Diaz. Diego has been a blessing to our Spanish-speaking community, generating an unbelievable 7.5 hours of subtitles. If you see him on the forums, thank him!
Participating in our subtitling program is one of the easiest ways to help Complexity Explorer and the Santa Fe Institute with our goals of maximally spreading complexity science. It's also a great way to study! Check out details here.
In unrelated but equally great subtitling news, Complexity Explorer’s newest course, Algorithmic Information Dynamics has English subtitles already prepared by the instructors! That’s right, the whole course is fully subtitled, so our hard-of-hearing students and our English-language-learning students can dive straight into the class. If you see any of the three course instructors - Drs. Alyssa Adams, Hector Zenil and Narsis Kiani - on the forums, give them some thanks as well!
This Month in Donations
So far this year we have received $3,728 in donations from our users, you all!
We want to extend a huge thank you to all our donors - Complexity Explorer is supported in large part by your donations, and were are here for you AND because of you! Your contributions help keep the site online, and support the creation of new content for a broader audience.
If you haven’t heard, Complexity Explorer will be hosting up to six new courses in 2019, thanks to our partnership with Arizona State University. Your donation now will help us prepare for their launch, promote and inform students - we are providing the best complex systems education in the world, and with these new courses and more ways for you to learn coming up we're only getting better. Cheers to you, our wonderful community, for supporting us!
If you would like to further support ComplexityExplorer.org, its science, and its mission please donate here. If you want to show others that you are a Complexity Explorer, check out our Threadless Shop for a variety of gear for the whole family and beyond!
Catch you all next month!