Complexity Explorer Santa Few Institute

Complexity-GAINs Curriculum

Lead instructor: David Krakauer, Jennifer Dunne, Mirta Galesic

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2.5 Project Resources » Publicly available datasets

Two repositories containing mostly contemporary data can be found at Stanford's Network Analysis Project and Carnegie Mellon's Center for Computational Analysis of Social and Organizational Systems.

Datasets highlighted during the Complexity-GAINs program are included here:

Seshat: Global History Databank aims to build the most current and comprehensive body of knowledge about human history in one place. Seshat systematically collects what is currently known about social and political organization of human societies and how civilizations have evolved over time.

Equinox-2020 Dataset

You can download the data in Equinox-2020 as a spreadsheet here.

The part of the Codebook pertaining to the Equinox-2020 Dataset can be downloaded here. The full Codebook containing all our variables (including those on which the work continues, which are not yet ready for release) can be found in the Methods section of the website.

NOTE: You will need to provide an email address and name for the csv download, which is to help Seshat track users of the dataset. The download begins immediately after you supply this information and accept the terms of the license below.

Data from the Seshat Databank ( is open for free use under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial (CC By-NC SA) license. By downloading the data files you agree to abide by the terms of CC-By-NC SA.

The twitter explorer combines collection, transformation and visualization of Twitter data in an easily accessible interface. It makes powerful methods from complex network science and computational social science available to scientists without programming skills. Developed by Armin Pournaki, Eckehard Olbrich and colleagues.

Pournaki, A., Gaisbauer, F., Banisch, S., & Olbrich, E. (2021). The twitter explorer: a framework for observing twitter through interactive networks. J. Digital Social Research, 3 (2021) 1, 106-118.

To get started, apply for a Twitter developer account and to install the twitter explorer following the instructions on