Music Computation and Complexity
I encountered an issue during the installation tutorial of the musicntwrk library. I downloaded all suggested packages in the install.txt file, but then I get an issue when I try "import pyo" in the Python interactive shell. It seems the reason is because I have an M2 MacBook, which runs on ARM64, while pyo might only be available for x86_64? How do I resolve this issue?I followed the instructions below and successfully ran import pyo
Thanks! But I actually managed by making sure the environment runs in x86_64. Do you know if you're running on ARM64? If so, I'll consider your approach.
Yes, I'm running it on M1 Macbook
Hi, sorry about your problem. I can confirm that I have installed successfully on M1, M2 and M3 (the video I made for the instructions was on a M2 Mac).
did anyone get the notebook running on Windows 11?
When executing the displayNotes command I get the error message:
SubConverterException: Cannot find a path to the 'mscore' file at C:\Users\steph\Documents\Repositories\complexmusic\C:\Program Files\MuseScore 3\bin\MuseScore3.exe -- download MuseScore
I cannot find the file music21rc.txt anywhere in my file system. Is it called differently on Windows?
Any help would be appreciated
Hi again,
I found the solution by myself. The key is the file C:\User\\AppData\Roaming\music21-settings.xml. There you can adapt the directory to your MuseScore executable. Be careful there are two entries musescoreDirectPNGPath and musicxmlPath. The both should point to your MuseScore executable.
In case the file does not exist you can create one with python -m music21.configure
Hope this helps
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- Music Computation and Complexity