Introduce Yourself
1) For the case of shrinking steps, we have, step length ~ (lambda)^n with (lambda less than 1). Sor, for negative value of n, step length should approach infinity always, but in the plots shown in the video, P as a function of lambda goes to 0 as n tends to negative infinity. What is the reason behind that?
2) How, for the case d=0, the expression of rho becomes ln(t)?
- Introduce Yourself
- Class Announcements
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- Course Materials to Share
- Fundamentals of NetLogo
- Functions and Iterations
- Introduction to Differential Equations
- Ordinary Differential Equations
- Maximum Entropy Methods
- Random Walks
- Introduction to Information Theory
- Vector and Matrix Algebra
- Introduction to Renormalization
- Game Theory I • Static Games
- Game Theory II • Dynamic Games
- Fundamentals of Machine Learning
- Introduction to Computation Theory
- Fundamentals of NetLogo
- Lecture: Pandemics
- Lecture: Artificial Intelligence
- Lecture: Crime and Punishment
- Complexity-GAINs Curriculum
- Introduction to Open Science
- Journal Club
- IN DEVELOPMENT: Multicellularity Modules
- UCR Application Tutorial
- Lecture: What is Complexity?
- Agent-Based Models with Python: An Introduction to Mesa
- Lecture: Epistemological emergence
- Music Computation and Complexity