Complexity Explorer Santa Few Institute

Fundamentals of NetLogo

Lead instructor: William Rand

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About the Tutorial:

This tutorial will present you with the basics of how to use NetLogo to for agent-based modeling. During the tutorial, we will briefly discuss what agent-based modeling is and how it is used, and then dive in to hands-on work using the NetLogo programming language, which is developed and supported at Northwestern University by Uri Wilensky.  No programming background or knowledge is required, and the methods examined will be useable in any number of different fields.

About the Instructor(s):

Bill Rand is an assistant professor of Business Management at the Poole College of Management at North Carolina State University and a computer scientist by training. He has co-authored a textbook on agent-based modeling with Uri Wilensky, the author of the NetLogo programming language. He is also the author of over 50 scholarly papers, many of which use agent-based modeling as their core methodology. He received his doctorate in computer science in 2005 from the University of Michigan, and was also awarded a postdoctoral fellowship to Northwestern University, where he worked directly with Uri Wilensky as part of the NetLogo development team.

How to use Complexity Explorer
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  1. Introduction to ABM
  2. Tabs, Turtles, Patches, and Links
  3. Code, Control, and Collections
  4. Putting It All Together
  5. Conclusion