Complexity Explorer Santa Few Institute

UCR 2023

Lead instructor: Chris Kempes & Melanie Mitchell

This course is no longer in session.

5.1 Santa Fe » "The City Different"

Santa Fe is not a late-night city: most shops close by 7:00pm and restaurants stop seating at 9:00pm. Fridays and Saturdays restaurants may stay open a bit longer, but there are very few places that cater to a late night crowd. Please plan any trips accordingly.

Local guides and publications are essential for catching much of the city’s arts and culture. Most gallery openings and music events will have listings. The Santa Fe Reporter is a weekly guide, and lists movies, events, restaurants, and provides reviews and commentary. The weekly arts and culture publication of the Santa Fe New Mexican, Pasatiempo, lists the entire week as well as reviews. Pasatiempo can be found in newsstands or in the Friday edition of the New Mexican.