Feldman Krakauer BradleyDayI Swentzell BradleyDay2 SethiPredictionMarkets SethiMeritocracy Dooner BradleyDay3&4 SantiagoTamaraDayIIGroupProjects Galesic SantiagoTamaraDayIIntros SantiagoTamaraDayISucceed Wagner ClausetDayI ClausetDayII ClausetDayIII HyejinDayI HyejinDayII Bednar EvansLectureI EvansLectureII Fortunato Power BettencourtLectureI BettencourtLectureII Ogbunu Dunne YehSavage Klausmeier Nilsson-Jacobi Marquet McGregorFors Moeller Savage deRoos Litchman Mitchell Santiago-Alarcón Derryberry RaeLaCerva Wheatley BowlesInequality BowlesEconomics FeldmanFinal
Dialect_split plant_cell_cycle abm_markets origin_of_life physics_vs_complexity universal_bitrate urban_dynamics productive_conflict music_complexity ab_mafia thanos_meritocracy Rythm LooseFriend Bouldering ABMData Meritocracy EvolutionSexual Causality PerceivedPolarization FoldedOpinions PolarizationClimate LinguisticNetworks StructureMeaning CollatzAI
3.2 Food » IAIA Cafeteria
Three meals a day are served in the cafeteria, located in the CLE building (#4 on the map), Monday through Friday. Two meals are served on Saturdays and Sundays. All meals are included in your room and board; you will be issued an electronic swipe card that you must present upon entry to the dining hall.
Here is a link to IAIA's cafeteria/café, where you can find information about hours and menu options:
- BREAKFAST (Monday - Friday) Service 7:45 - 9:00 AM
- LUNCH (Monday - Friday) Service 12:30 - 1:30 PM
- DINNER (Monday - Sunday) Service 6:00 - 7:00 PM
- BRUNCH (Saturdays) Service 9:00 - 11:00 AM
- HOT BRUNCH [Sundays) Service 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
- Service times listed above indicate when food is served. The cafeteria will remain open an additional half hour at each meal for socializing. Food will not be served during this social half hour.
- Please keep cafeteria items in the cafeteria - food service plates, glasses, cups and flatware cannot be taken from the cafeteria.