Feldman Krakauer BradleyDayI Swentzell BradleyDay2 SethiPredictionMarkets SethiMeritocracy Dooner BradleyDay3&4 SantiagoTamaraDayIIGroupProjects Galesic SantiagoTamaraDayIIntros SantiagoTamaraDayISucceed Wagner ClausetDayI ClausetDayII ClausetDayIII HyejinDayI HyejinDayII Bednar EvansLectureI EvansLectureII Fortunato Power BettencourtLectureI BettencourtLectureII Ogbunu Dunne YehSavage Klausmeier Nilsson-Jacobi Marquet McGregorFors Moeller Savage deRoos Litchman Mitchell Santiago-Alarcón Derryberry RaeLaCerva Wheatley BowlesInequality BowlesEconomics FeldmanFinal
Dialect_split plant_cell_cycle abm_markets origin_of_life physics_vs_complexity universal_bitrate urban_dynamics productive_conflict music_complexity ab_mafia thanos_meritocracy Rythm LooseFriend Bouldering ABMData Meritocracy EvolutionSexual Causality PerceivedPolarization FoldedOpinions PolarizationClimate LinguisticNetworks StructureMeaning CollatzAI
6.1 Group Projects » Timeline
Week 1
- What to focus on: Attend our project start-up activities and talk to people about their ideas. Brainstorm and scheme over meals, in the evenings, while hiking or running, while having beverages, etc. Put project ideas and thoughts as post-its in the common area and in new discord channels.
- Tuesday 4:30pm-6pm: Introduction of project goals and timeline.
- Thursday 2-4:30pm: All ideas are presented to the whole group.
- Friday: work on projects, talk to SFI postdocs who work in related fields.
- By the end of Week 1: give us a sense of which project(s) you are interested in.
Week 2
- What to focus on: As a team, work toward a vocabulary or conceptual frame for your project and learn about the strengths and goals.
- Group check-ins with the team (Santiago, Tamara, & Dave).
- By the end of Week 2: we expect you to know what projects you will be working on.
Week 3
- What to focus on: further refine the scope and framing. Work toward preliminary results, if possible.
- Group check-ins with the team (Santiago, Tamara, & Dave).
Week 4
- What to focus on: preparing your abstract and presentation (you can present about your process instead of results).
- Abstract due Wednesday.
- Presentations on Wednesday and Thursday.