Feldman Krakauer BradleyDayI Swentzell BradleyDay2 SethiPredictionMarkets SethiMeritocracy Dooner BradleyDay3&4 SantiagoTamaraDayIIGroupProjects Galesic SantiagoTamaraDayIIntros SantiagoTamaraDayISucceed Wagner ClausetDayI ClausetDayII ClausetDayIII HyejinDayI HyejinDayII Bednar EvansLectureI EvansLectureII Fortunato Power BettencourtLectureI BettencourtLectureII Ogbunu Dunne YehSavage Klausmeier Nilsson-Jacobi Marquet McGregorFors Moeller Savage deRoos Litchman Mitchell Santiago-Alarcón Derryberry RaeLaCerva Wheatley BowlesInequality BowlesEconomics FeldmanFinal
Dialect_split plant_cell_cycle abm_markets origin_of_life physics_vs_complexity universal_bitrate urban_dynamics productive_conflict music_complexity ab_mafia thanos_meritocracy Rythm LooseFriend Bouldering ABMData Meritocracy EvolutionSexual Causality PerceivedPolarization FoldedOpinions PolarizationClimate LinguisticNetworks StructureMeaning CollatzAI
9.3 Health, Safety & Well-being » Mental health & well-being
Mental health line: dial 988 or text 'TALK' to 988
Reasons to call (from 988nm.org)
- Worried about your safety or someone you know
- Having a hard time managing strong emotions
- Feeling hopeless, confused, angry or lonely
- Worried about alcohol or drug use (substance use)
- Need information or referrals for local community services
- Have something on your mind that you want to talk over with someone outside of current situation
- Service member or veteran and their families in need
- Experiencing abuse or neglect
- Dating issues or domestic violence
- Struggling with eating disorders
- Dealing with discrimination
- Worried about parental discord or bullying
- Stressed about work and having high anxiety
La Sala Crisis Center: 1-505-819-3419
2015 Galisteo Street
Yoga & Meditation (including online options)
Mountain Cloud Zen Center
Santa Fe Community Yoga
Upaya Zen Center