Feldman Krakauer BradleyDayI Swentzell BradleyDay2 SethiPredictionMarkets SethiMeritocracy Dooner BradleyDay3&4 SantiagoTamaraDayIIGroupProjects Galesic SantiagoTamaraDayIIntros SantiagoTamaraDayISucceed Wagner ClausetDayI ClausetDayII ClausetDayIII HyejinDayI HyejinDayII Bednar EvansLectureI EvansLectureII Fortunato Power BettencourtLectureI BettencourtLectureII Ogbunu Dunne YehSavage Klausmeier Nilsson-Jacobi Marquet McGregorFors Moeller Savage deRoos Litchman Mitchell Santiago-Alarcón Derryberry RaeLaCerva Wheatley BowlesInequality BowlesEconomics FeldmanFinal
Dialect_split plant_cell_cycle abm_markets origin_of_life physics_vs_complexity universal_bitrate urban_dynamics productive_conflict music_complexity ab_mafia thanos_meritocracy Rythm LooseFriend Bouldering ABMData Meritocracy EvolutionSexual Causality PerceivedPolarization FoldedOpinions PolarizationClimate LinguisticNetworks StructureMeaning CollatzAI
7.1 Santa Fe » High Altitude Desert
Please remember that Santa Fe is located at 7,200 feet (~2,200 meters), with some parts of the city even higher. Altitude sickness is a real possibility for visitors coming in from sea level. It is important to keep yourself well-hydrated and avoid heavy drinking. The effects of alcohol can be amplified at this altitude.
There is also less atmosphere protecting you from the sun. On outdoor trips, please bear in mind that sunburn and heat exhaustion are possibilities. Be sure to pack sunscreen, water, a hat, and sunglasses.
When hiking, please be aware of animals: rattlesnakes and other critters like to sun themselves during the day. In the unlikely event that you are bitten by a rattlesnake, please dial 911 immediately. Mice and other rodents in the region can sometimes carry diseases such as bubonic plague and hanta virus. Mountain lions and black bears, though rare, can come down from the mountains during the summer. Please use common sense when out on the trails, and give the wildlife a wide berth.